Monday, 29 January 2007


I spoke at our Youth Event last night on "What makes a Worshipper?". It's a good question - one that has been discussed for centuries. I'd like to say I had the answer on it, maybe not but I have a contribution to the discussion. My angle went like this: God is not a distant idol that we worship (Isaiah 57), he lives in us(1 Corinthians 3). If God lives in us - how can we worship him? By being, by living(John 10), by doing. Simple things make God happy. When we treat others with respect we worship him, when we are hard working we worship him, when we sit down, eat with friends, laugh and have fun we worship him.

Singing songs are a great way to verbalise our love for Jesus, but at one level singing at a church service is just playacting. But as we declare truth, so it becomes part of us and real within us (John 8). So I challenge you to declare the truth about who God is even if you don't feel like it and see what happens...

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