Thursday, 22 February 2007


Question: How often are you busy working and never think about what you have done or achieved? Often I get home and my wife Lottie says to me "What did you do today?" and I have no idea!

Last September I started a Degree in Community Development with Sussex University. Part of my course is all about keeping a reflective journal to keep track of my learning journey (I wonder if this blog could be submitted?) and enable me to think about how and what I am learning. Which is great, but why don't we do that in other parts of our life, especially work. Probably because we're too busy - that's why! Doing what? Don't know - but my diary is full - WHAT!?

I am presently reading 360 degree Leadership by John Maxwell which gives examples of exemplary leaders who spend 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each day to plan and then reflect which is probably why they are top leaders! The idea is good but have I got the time???

James 1 talks about the man that looks in the mirror, goes away and then forgets what he has seen. I know that can be true for me, which is why I have to look three times in the mirror - honestly not vain just forgetful!!!

I spoke to my staff team on Monday about this and we all recognised that we are too busy doing to even consider reflecting on what we do. Surely reflecting on our busy lives is important - if we want to make a difference to those around us.

Or as Edith Wharton said:

"There are ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."

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