Sunday, 4 March 2007

Being Uncle Sim!

The most common question on a Monday morning is "What did you do over the weekend?". For most people it will be something like - watched a movie, saw some friends, visited family, bought a puppy, etc. Which is fine, normal in fact! This weekend my niece, Amy asked me to video her and her friends for a school drama project. So, the whole family got involved including Lottie and all the children and I had the job of being the camera man. As you can imagine it took a lot longer than expected and we ended up with a 30 minute video! Below I have attached a clip of my brother in law, Rich showing us his acting ability for your amusement - I am sure he won't mind as he reckons no one reads blogs!!!!


Dave Johnson said...

oh please can we show this at church?

Sim said...

What's it worth? donation to Links International?