Saturday, 7 April 2007


Sorry for the lack of posts in recent weeks, I have been busy - honest! I have just got back from Spring Harvest in Minehead as part of the team responsible for the 11-14's.

This is our third year being involved in Spring Harvest Youthwork and although it is tiring work, it is very rewarding. Quite a number from Arun Community Church made up the team, which was excellently led as always by Jon Jolly (I have to say that as he reads my blogs - but it is true all the same...). My role was grandly entitled "Bible Teacher", which meant I had to come up with a presentation each day based on this years theme of "One People".

To be honest I loved the theme - it's a great opportunity to speak to 400 - 500 young people for almost a week on what it means to be church together. We took on the line from the Nicean Creed that states we should be "one, holy, catholic, apostolic people", looking at one key word each day. We had some fun trying to explain what it meant to be catholic and trying not to confuse anyone that Spring Harvest was becoming part of the Roman Catholic Church (to be honest the young people had no problems with this, but some of the leaders did! One leader actually said to me that the Catholic Church is completely wrong and was under the impression that the Pope was the beast!!! I thought that theory had been and gone - doh!)

I guess my favourite part of the week was seeing the young people engage in worship in all sorts of different ways. On the last day we had some of them singing, some playing instruments and some signing (no, it's not a spelling error!), some handing out communion bread and wine (don't worry it was just blackcurrant squash) and even one lad giving a short talk as part of the teaching!

Although I was starting to feel a little old for youth work (most of the team were under 20), it was a great event to be part of as always. Great to use the gifts God has given, great to work with such an excellent team and most of all my children loved it!

Last word goes to some letters of encouragement I received from some of the young people:

"Dear Sim, don't stop preaching you are doing a great job. Thank you for your enthusiasm for the Lord and I encourage you to start preaching in full seminars. Your biggest fan, Sam"

"Sim, thank you for all the talks you have done over the past few days. The words were really encouraging and touched me and probably most people. Thank you for your kindness and being strong for talking to so many people, Luv you and keep going, Charis"

1 comment:

Richieboy said...

sounds good mate. wish I could have been there this year, didn't work out, but oh well!
Rich lush