Tuesday, 12 June 2007


Ok, the rumours are true - the Dendy's are moving! From 1st September I will be starting a new job working for New Community Church in Southampton as their Project Development Manager. It's a big move for us as Lottie has lived in Rustington all her life (I have been here for the last 11 years while we have been married) and we thought we would be here for the rest of our lives - but it looks like God has other plans!

My work at Arun Community Church and Wickbourne Centre finishes here at the end of July with the month of August as an opportunity to have some family time as well as (hopefully) moving house and discovering Southampton.

Some people have said to me things like "you're moving for the money" or "for a bigger church". I guess people don't always know what to say and try and make light of things. Truth is we are moving because God has opened a door and other ones have closed - one thing I am learning to do is "Trust in God with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding".

God knows his plan for our lives, which is incredibly comforting as I haven't got a clue anymore and I thought I had it all lined up - oh well...

Watch this space and we will try and keep you up to date with all the changes.

I hope you enjoy the picture, yes Graham Butt is an estate agent in our local area - if you like funny signs then check out this link here. You can see more details on our present house on rightmove.co.uk - a website we spend most evenings trawling through at the moment!

1 comment:

Dave Johnson said...


You'll be missed, or at least I'll miss you.

New Community are getting a great person, with a fantastic drive and vision.


PS. Do they have a coffe shop? If so, I'll be down for a Latte!