Wednesday 26 September 2007


Day of cross city church meetings today. Lunchtime was with Southampton Churches Network at Highfield Church which was for all church leaders across the city. It was an excellent time of getting to know people and hearing what was happening around the city. We also had a guest speaker from the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham who was excellent in encouraging us in our times of prayer and intimacy as well as promoting the Hope 08 national campaign. Locally in Southampton we are putting a number of events together throughout the year, starting in December with a Miracle Street event.

Anyway I was interested in one item on the agenda about some potential funding for setting up Street Pastors in Southampton which is a programme happening in a number of city's around the country. Unfortunately the guy who was presenting this item couldn't make it as he was retiring from his church position! We also had a guy in from IBEX Southcoast who came to talk about retail chaplaincy at West Quay. It was fascinating how many superstores and shopping centres around the country have chaplains (or even teams at places like Blue Water). West Quay has over 18 million shopping visitors from all round the county of Hampshire and beyond, what an opportunity for someone with the permission of the shopping centre to get involved in so many needy lives. The presentation took 20 minutes, which was very thought provoking.

Anyone want to become a retail chaplain for 22 million people?


bobweasel said...

So "a day of cross city churches"... was that a day of meeting with City churches that were cross? ;)

Dave Johnson said...

awww, bless Jon always trying to make a gag out of everything. :P

I thought it was a great post, really interesting and personally I feel really on the ball.

Sim said...

I miss Jon's gags...

Maybe there is a cross-dressing city church meeting, that would be interesting!


Sim said...


David Masters said...

Hi Sim,

You may remember me, David Masters, we have met on a couple of occasions (one of which was this meeting) and just to let you know that I am only 36 - so unless your 6 tears of age you were most definitely not the youngest person there by 30 years.

I am sorry you were disappointed by the meeting, the person running it was was Chronically ill, hence his decision to step down that night and to pass it on to a new chair person.

Unfortunately for you, that happens to be me and as you have put these comments in the public domain I would like to give you the opportunity to read them out at the next meeting where I have have booked some one to come and talk to us about Street Pastors.


David Masters