Monday 19 November 2007


Took Lottie to the ballet at the Mayflower Theatre at the weekend as part of her birthday celebrations. We saw the English National Ballet perform the classic ballet Swan Lake.

I was quite pleased with myself, Lottie had wanted to got to the ballet for years and we had got great seats right in the centre. In fact Lottie was SO impressed with the seats she thought we must have someone else's - and...

... she was right! doh!

Just as the performance was about to start a well dressed couple wondered if we might have their seats (you know that horrible feeling that drains through you as you realise you have made a mistake...), well they were right and I was wrong we were meant to be up in the balcony not the dress circle!!!! By the time we got up the stairs to the balcony the performance started and we had to sit and wait for the first interval at the very back until we could get to our correct seats.

The show was amazing (even if you couldn't see their faces!) with a 45 piece live orchestra and incredible dancers. By the end of Act 2 I didn't have a clue what it was about. They really could do with a script or some lyrics! I had to look up a synopsis of the story during the interval to work out what was actually going on!

Definitely recommend it as an incredible feast of creativity, but read what its about before you go and check and then double check you have the right seats!!

Thanks Ali & Mark for the having the kids for the night - you guys are amazing...

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