Wednesday 29 April 2009

Seeing is Believing?

Last week we were fortunate enough to have Bill Johnson and Randy Clarke speaking at the Global Awakening Conference at Central Hall. Held over four days it was sold out with 800 delegates every day coming from all over Europe.

Over the four days there were hundreds of healings and some excellent teaching...

But in some eighteen sessions of teaching it was only two things that really grabbed me over the time that they were with us. Firstly it was good to see Central Hall full. I am completely believing that we will see Central Hall full again for our Sunday services. What was a City Centred Church of 500 people meeting at Central Hall has become a Network of Church Communities all around the city and region with almost 1000 people meeting in eight different gatherings.

God has been good and New Community is flourishing but Central Hall can seat 800 easily and on a Sunday morning we have around 220 - 240 attendees with 70-80 of those being under 11. I would love to see the building full once more and people queuing up to get in!

I was able to see a glimpse of the possibility last week. People were queuing from 8am to get the best seats for the 9am start, the building was full and God's Spirit was at work. Wouldn't that be great on a Sunday morning. I put myself in the middle of the Main Auditorium and looked at all the people and asked God to let it happen.

I already believed it, but now I've seen it...

The other thing I picked up was about our theology or understanding versus our expectation. Biblically we believe in healing but we don't expect it to happen every time we meet someone in need and we pray. That has to change. We need to increase our faith to see what we know is possible become a reality. I want physical healing to become a standard part of our Church Community, that as people go about their normal business that God's Spirit will invade their lives and healings will happen in our city on a regular basis.

I don't want to chase the manifestation of God (I get a little annoyed by those that do!), I want to chase God himself and as I worship him, put him in his rightful place, get my life working to his rhythm then there will be an outpouring of his Spirit at every level of our society.

So, I have seen the possibilities, and like Thomas, now I believe it more than ever...

Seeing may not be believing, in and of itself, but it helps!

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