Wednesday 22 June 2011


Been thinking a lot this last couple of weeks about the phrase "What If..."

It is a phrase that seems to be used by risk averse and cautious people: "What if you try something for the first time and you fail?" or "What if you apply for that job and you don't get it?".

But I felt God prompt me with "What if you stop HOPING my promises come true and you start BELIEVING that when I say it will happen it is guaranteed!" - If that became my reality how would I live differently?

So many people in the Bible could have given their excuses about why they couldn't do something. Noah could have said "What if it doesn't rain?" or Daniel could have said "What if the lions eat me for breakfast?" but they didn't and they were obedient to Gods calling on their lives.

Some did ask the What If question: Gideon said "What if I am the wrong person to lead the army of Israel?" and Moses said "What if Pharaoh doesn't let the people go?" but they still were obedient (eventually after a lot of prodding!) to Gods calling on their lives.

There is nothing wrong with asking the What If question but dont let it stop you from following Gods direction and the promises he has made to you, after all 2 Peter 1 tells us to "make every effort to respond to Gods promises."

Apparently the disappointment of DOING something is only felt for a short time, but the regret of NOT DOING something can last a life time.

What If I try something I have never done before and it DOES work out?

...and even if it doesn't - SO WHAT!

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