Thursday 6 March 2008


Ok, ok, I know it's been a long time...

but I have an excuse - honest!

you see I've discovered that blogging is dangerous. I know I thought it was a safe way to spend some free time in the safety of your home but it's not - it can get you into trouble...

I thought only my Mum read my blogs (Hi Mum!) but apparently the whole world can access your random thoughts for the day. After my last blog which mentioned the leader of Fathers 4 Justice I get an email from him within 2 hours of posting wanting to get together over coffee! Crazy!

I then got a further email from a local church leader who was concerned about a post I had written last September about a city centre church leaders meeting I had attended (don't look for it I already changed it!). So I guess I got a little nervous about writing my little blog in case I upset someone again...

and I've been pretty busy...

so to keep you updated here are a few things that I could have (maybe should have) blogged about:

Flo turned three, Zak turned nine (how did that happen!), Lottie is pregnant with number four (and pretty sick with it), New Coffee Shop "Central Coffee" is now open at Central Hall and looks amazing, Lottie and I have started to take responsibility for the Sunday morning meetings at New Community, Loads of meetings with load of great people, bought a new chair from ebay, rolled out a community audit across the church network, engaged 27 churches in balloon release on Easter Sunday, ran a mens weekend at Dalesdown for 65 men aged 16 to 61 and I've taken up golf again as essential stress release...

Hopefully I will blog again before Christmas! Thanks for reading...


Dave Johnson said...


That's just dangerous. I don't mean the offending people with your blog posts. I mean golf.

Speak soon


Adrian said...


Stop trying to keep up with the Smiths!

Or are you trying to enhance the Southampton football team?

Have missed your blogs.

So when are you coming out to Chiang Mai to visit us?


thevandermerwes said...

wrote a whole paragraph that was very funny! then lost it.. oh well nice to hear what's going on incrediable that Zak is 9! My goodness - suddenly had a thought last night that I was heading for the 40's... thats the next biggy!!for you too..
Sounds like you have been characteristically busy. Looking forward to your visit. XX Eliz and family